Monday, January 30, 2012

Lockshop wigs?

So I'm posting pictures up on my tumblr and for some reason I randomly came across this site called , I have never heard of them before ; but I've stumbled upon their site today! There was this really pretty Hime Gyaru wig ( which is what drew me to the site in the first place ... hehehe )

Isn't it pretty!

This site also sells other wigs for Lolita, Sweet Lolita, Mori girl.. It's a small selection but a selection of nice looking wigs that also look like their of great quality. I'm not sure though, seeing that I've never heard of them! But, I might just take a chance and try a wig out from their site myself! Here's a few more of their wigs below ( their site model is so pretty ! ) :

Check out the site for yourself! Link to the Website And if you've ordered from there, let me know your opinion on the quality of their wigs!

xoxo Itoshii <333

Gothic Lolita Wigs!

I think I'm in love! .... well, In love with a new wig site ... teehee ... ahh so excited!! (≧∇≦) !!  anywho, I've always wanted to own a split wig but never quite found one that I reaaaalllyyy wanted to purchase until I came across this really pretty two toned blonde/caramel split wig on their site ( along with others I were curious about buying ).

This is the wig :

I .. Love.. It *__*

And I guarantee you will love the wig as well! I was so surprised at how GREAT of quality it is, NOT SHINY, VERY THICK ; In fact, when I took it out of the bag I was a be shocked at how heavy the wig seemed haha! O_o whoaa.. yea, it was a bit heavier then my other wigs and that's how I KNEW it was going to be full of hair. 

However ; I did slightly trim it to the length I wanted rather then it being so long but not too much of a trim. Also, the bangs come at a good length for you to cut them to suit your face shape. Here's photos of me and the wig! I was too anxious to try it on and go out with it .. hehehe ..

A few pictures of my outfit ^▽^

... silly pictures?... teeheehee ... my sister was getting ready and I couldn't help but bother her! Mwahaha O-O !

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog! I hope you like the wig and there is a WIDE selection at Gothic Lolita Wig's, to choose from! and you will not be disappointed! I am so happy with my purchase .. plus the fact that I received it within 3 days... what better than an amazing quality wig plus fast shipping ( well .. to the US anyway .. bwahaha ) 

XoXo Itoshii Hito <3

Sunday, January 29, 2012

My first youtube video and photoshop fun!

A couple days ago I posted my first youtube video. It wasn't much, I was actually just fooling around with my digital camera, then my sister's video software and decided to post it up. "Get ready with me" Is what I called it since I was getting ready at the time and taking photos. In the future I'd like to do some Makeup tutorials and other cool videos of my Interest :D

However... I wasn't too happy about the RUDE! comment I received from some little boy.. haha then again, I guess you can expect ignorance but I'm really hoping for good feedback on youtube! and even some followers here on my blog..

It seems harder then I thought ... T_T

Anyway here's the link to my video! Click Here!

Also, I found a really cute photoshop! It's in chinese but I know how to work it perfectly fine and it's really easy to navigate if you have common sense and can't read chinese. It's called Xiu Xiu Meitu <3

Here's some photo's I played with :

But you could do a lot more like ...................

Teehee... FAIL! .... I look so ugly .. yet it is funny! mwuahaha O_O!

If you would like to try it for free! Just CLICK HERE!

Thanks for reading! 
xoxo Itoshii

Friday, January 27, 2012

ClairBeauty Review!

I am sooooo super duper happy with my purchases from Ebay lately. I never would have thought I would ever become some kind of Ebay shopping addict @_@ ..... teehee .... @_@ .... hahaha ^_^ not an addict! but I really enjoy shopping online and now shopping on ebay is one of my favorite places online shop! Wooo! Go ebay! ( *ebay dance* ) ... no? no dance? Okay! -_- alright, enough of me being silly. I just wanted to show you the beautiful ClairBeauty wig that I purchased. The " Princess wig ", I guess you could say I feel like a princess?

Here's a photo of the wig model with the pretty wig on :
And here is how it came :

 So It came in this cute pink ClairBeauty bag! I love the bag! It also came with these Instructions? ... O_o? I'm just assuming they're instructions that I can't read to save my dear life =__= ... wahhhh .__. anyway!

This is how it looks packaged up, nice and bundled, in a plastic baggy, wig in the netting.. you know how your typical wig should look. And it came with tags! ( not everything you buy on ebay comes with tags__- ocd!! ) Anyway, here's how the wig looked on me ^_^ :

 Well, let me know what you think! It's super pretty, long, GREAT quality and looks just like the picture! If you like what you see here make sure to click the link I posted below to make a purchase. These people have fast shipping, reasonable prices, and great customer service! You wont be disappointed ^_^

xoxo Itoshii hito

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gabalmania ^_^

So, years ago I've come across a site with B E A U T I F U L and I mean BEAUTIFUL Korean wigs. Now, their not the only site I've come across but they have such a beautiful variety to choose from in such variety of colors. I fell in love *__* .. sooo .. I had to have one! at least one day! This year I finally purchased two through email because I found it difficult to make an International order on the site : Gabalmania Website <3

( I suggest you do a group order through GMARKET or speak to them through email and have them send you an Invoice but make sure you copy and paste what your ordering, link and all so that they know and aren't confused if your an english speaker like myself!... IM STILL LEARNING KOREAN! )

Or you can order through this site! They just don't have A L L the wigs and its in ENGLISH ^_^ :
Click here for Gabalmania wigs <3

Here are the beauties :

I had a Custom Color order for this one above ^

This one I wanted so bad ever since I first saw!

So this is how I got them in the mail :

They also came with two blue wig stands! Which is perfect because I don't always need them cooped away in their baggies when I could just put them on a stand ^.^ So ... lets see how they look!

This is the custom red that I ordered for the first photo, now for  the second wig :

Let me know what you think!

xoxo Itoshii Hito <3